Printed T-shirts for a Product Launch or Company Initiative

Printed T-shirts are great for employees when introducing a new product launch or company initiative.

You can brand these T-shirts with your company name and logo, as well as details about the product launch or company initiative.

How will printed T-shirts add value to my product launch or company initiative?

  • Branded T-shirts can act as a reminder of your company initiative
  • They can be used to celebrate your new product launch or initiative
  • Branded T-shirts can create awareness of your new product
  • These T-shirts can instil a curiosity about your company initiative or product launch
  • Branded T-shirts can also increase brand awareness.

Printed T-shirts South Africa

There are many ways that branded T-shirts can benefit your company. Launching a new product or introducing a new company initiative is very exciting. This gives you the perfect opportunity to invest in branded T-shirts.

It is important that employees are constantly reminded about their company’s initiative. Why? Because everyone in the company needs to be striving to attain the goals as set out in the company initiative. A company initiative involves the entire company- not just the managers.

Branding T-shirts with information about the initiative is a fantastic way to ensure that employees are kept in the loop with the company’s aspirations and initiatives. It will also serve to remind employees about the corporate ethos that their company stands for.

Another reason to purchase branded T-shirts is to celebrate!

Introducing a company initiative and launching a new product is an exciting time for any company. It is definitely a reason to celebrate. You can therefore regard these printed T-shirts as celebratory gifts for your employees.

Apart from making a lovely gift, printed T-shirts will also help to spread the news about your new product or initiative. When your employees wear these T-shirts, outsiders will read the T-shirt and be informed about your product launch and new initiative.

T-shirts don’t usually display all information related to a product or initiative. However, the smallest bit of information is enough to instil a curiosity in people. This could then prompt further research about your company’s new product or initiative.

Branded T-shirts will also serve the purpose of advertising your company as a whole.  In other words, it can create or increase brand awareness.

As your employees wear these T-shirts to and from work, many people will be exposed to your company name. Your company name will soon become ingrained in the minds of many people. This is great for keeping your brand top of mind.

Invest in branded T-shirts today, and get people excited about your company’s new endeavours.

To order your printed T-shirts, please email us at We will be happy to add value to your marketing strategy.

For more corporate clothing options, please visit


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